There’s a crack in everything
‘‘What we can see in the photos included in this series are light leaks, which are visual phenomena produced when light comes through the back of the camera. Usually considered to be a technical flaw, light leaks are inconsistent and seemingly haphazard in colour and form, but they are also essential and self-referential characteristics of their medium.
One could argue that digital files are almost too perfect a recollection. Real memory is flawed and coloured by perception, by the viewer. The light leaks provide a touch of magical realism which tints the memory to appear almost dream like.
Shooting film in the digital age is essential to the work produced by Cinthia and her attitude towards life. The message inherent to shooting film in our contemporary age partly conveys the need to slow down, breathe and properly look around. The message Cinthia sends, through the intention of displaying only photographs that contain light leaks is that accidents happen and that like life itself, film photography can be both unpredictable and unmeasurably beautiful in ways we should accept and uncertainly expect.’’